01 April 2008

Sydney trip

Last weekend Duane and I spend a long weekend away in Sydney. This was in part a private birthday celebration and in part time to spend together before the babies are born. Duane had organised the whole thing. We had a one bedroom apartement near museum station. We arrived thursday afternoon and took the rest of the day to plan our bits and pieces for Friday. We went out to dinner to an italian place nearby.

On Friday we went to Taronga Zoo, and afterwards to a gamestore in Yorkstreet and a bookstore a few blocks up from it. It was an exhausting day. I could write this longwinded story on how Duane made me walk from 8 am until about 5 pm... and how I got totally exhausted but that wouldn't be fair. I inmensely enjoyed the day, even if I was really tired afterwards. I finally took photos I don't mind sharing with the world (the first ones in two years... how sad is that). If you click on the "my-flickr-page" link on the right you can see them.

On Saturday we spend time in Galaxy again (bookstore) and after that we spend quite a bit of time in the Queen Victoria Building. This is a restored building which dates back to 1898. It is amazingly beautiful on the inside. I love that particular style of architecture. The bestest bit of the day was when I found a lingery store which caters for pregnant woman with larger sizes. Its rather depressing to buy maternity bras on a good day. I'm up to a GG cup now and usually I can choose between 1 bras if I'm lucky. Ofcourse these are the type of bras that you could either A: use as shelter when camping or B: are the style you'd expect your great-great-great grandmother to wear.
Now I've got two bras that actually make me feel like an attractive woman again. I think people underestimate the value of nice lingery for a womans self-esteem.

We also spend time reading and time just being together talking. We've been married nearly 8.5 years now and it is sad but nowadays thats a long marriage. These times we spend together away from everything are so valuable to just get in touch with why we are together, and to re-affirm how much we love eachother. Life will change so much this year and neither of us can really gauge the impact it will have on our relationship, however, we are both really committed to it and i'm sure we'll come through it with flying colours :)

Sunday back home, and weirdly enough, its good to be home. Life is good.

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