25 April 2008

28 wk milestone

Finally a long weekend with no social obligations. What are Duane and I going to do with ourselves?? Most likely next to nothing. I just realised it has been a while since I have updated you all on whats been going on.

On Wednesday we reached the 28 wk mark in our pregnancy. This is considered a Big Deal. At 28 wks we have a 95% survival rate for premature babies. This means that even if they came now (which they won't -touch wood) they have excelent chances of becoming a part of our family. Thursday morning we had our 28 wk scan. When expecting twins, doctors are not able to monitor fetal growth by simply measuring the belly as that wouldn't show if one of the babies wasn't quite growing as well as the other. So Twin-mummies-to-be get extra scans because that way they can see if the babies are growing as they should.

Our babies are doing just fine. Baby 1 weighs 1132 grams and baby 2 weighs 1000 grams. This is calculated based of the size of the head, tummy and a few other measurements. They are estimated to be between 35 and 40 cm tall now. That is hard to measure more accurately because they lie all curled up in the uterus. These sizes at 28 weeks are spot on target even if it was a singleton pregnancy (one baby). If they continue to do this well, and they go full-term (38 wks) each has a predicted birth weight of about 2.5 - 3 kgs (5-6lbs) Both babies are head down, but can still change position as they still have some room. In principle, if they don't there is nothing preventing us from giving birth vaginally.

Duane and I are really happy. It is always such a relief to see them doing well and moving about. They were really uncooperative so no cute 3d scan images this time. Depending on how things go, we might have another scan in about 4 weeks which will be our last one before the birth.

Take care,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to read it's all going along fine still with the pregnancy. Not much longer now till instant family ;)

If I don't catch up with you or Duane on msn before you read this, I became an uncle on wednesday 23rd april and Zylia Yve is doing well and can definitely tell Dale is the father.

Good luck with it all and I hope it all continues well to the finish.


ps. I move back to qld come June.