15 April 2008

Challenges for prospective parents

Ok, So I'm 27 wks pregnant this week. Its a little early to have the nursery ready and beleive me, we are nowhere near ready for these two.
However, tonight we did something we could have postponed, but wanted to do for a while. We put together one of the two cots we purchased for the babies. Did I mention I love IKEA? They have some really funky furniture and they have some kewl baby and kids gear.

I just tried to link to an image on the IKEA site, and failed miserably, so you'll have to click on the link below. We purchased two Hensvik cots.

http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/10077353 is the URL for the site.

Anyways, all Ikea stuff comes with loads of nuts, bolts, screws, thingemabobs and an instruction manual with next to no words... pictures only. They must be bloody brilliant writing the things because Duane and I are getting reasonably good at assembling ikea furniture :)

It took a little while, but now the cot has been put together and its sitting in the nursery. The matress inserted and ofcourse we needed to make the bed. Mind you, both of us are reasonably good at making beds. Our own bed, a queensize double with a kingsize doona on it takes us about 10-15 minutes to make after removing the sheets and doonacover.
You'd think that making a bed for a baby, seeing how much smaller it is, would take significantly less time... Nothing is further from the truth.
Putting a fitted sheet on a matress in a cot is a challenge when your belly is in the way. It is overcomable ofcourse, but a small challenge non-the-less.
Then ofcourse as these two babies will be sleeping in the same cot, we're making it sidewas... which is a lot harder than it sounds. There is this blanket thingy, which is a great size, but doesn't quite work the way I thought it would, same with the flat sheet. Its actually quite fiddly.
So 20 minutes after starting to make the blasted thing, it looks reasonably ok. I will have to practise this, as I 'know' we're going to be stuck making the bed in the middle of the night. Besides that, It doesn't look quite right 'yet'...........

There are sooo many skills we have yet to aquire, its a good thing our ante-natal classes are starting on Friday.

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