07 June 2008

Maternity leave week two

So I'm slowly getting better at this 'being at home' thing. I am surprising myself and actually managing to keep the house in a moderately tidy state. For those of you who know me, this is a near-impossibility.

How am I doing this? Well, I'm working of my lists. The big list with all the chores for the house(*), and my own personal private list with other stuff I want to get done. I know it sounds rather sad, having ones life 'controlled' by lists, but hec, it works for me. There are still a few things that need doing this week, but well, I'm just not mobile enough anymore to clean all the windows so Duane and I will do this together one day on the weekend.

At the same time I've been battling the cold from hell, started with a really sore throat, and got worse after that. more than a week later and I still have the sniffles. I sure hope i'll be able to shake this before I go into labor.

As for the pregnancy, the rest of Maternity leave is doing my body good even if it is driving my mind to sleep. Mind you, I'm still quite capable to overdo things and pay for that later (read: mopping floors is not the most brilliant of ideas whilst heavely preggers). My cold is doing weird things to my sugar levels, there doesn't really appear to be much consistency in it at all. Next week I have an appointment with Dr. Lee (the endocrinologist) for my GD, and the week after I have another scan and a check up with my OB. That is, unless these two decide they have had enough inside and want to check out whats out there. Duane and I are getting to the point were we're like "ok, next stage pls, lets get this show on the road". We're 34 wks now, so ideally they remain inside for another two weeks....

Oh, and for you singleton mums: Both babies now weigh approximately 5lbs (2200 gr) So I'm carrying 10lb (4.5kg)of baby + two placentas + amniotic fluid + HUDGE boobs around (GG cup... god knows what'll happen once my milk comes in *sigh*)
And completely full-term would be another 6 weeks (to the 40 wk mark). Fullterm for twins is another 2-4 weeks.

Edit: I forgot to include the (*) thingy from earlier.
(*) How anal am I when it comes to organising things I'm not good at: I made a spreadsheet room-by-room of all the chores I could come up with I felt need doing atleast once a year. Then I plotted all this on a 52 wk scale to make sure it is "equally distributed". This was too hard, so I changed it to a 12 wk schedule instead, which ofcourse means there are things I can pike on 3 times a year *YEY*.
Anyways, with the finished spreadsheet, I then use my outlook calendar and put in repeating appointments for each item on a saturday. Once a week I print off all the appointments on a saturday and this gives me the to-do list for the week.
I know it sounds involved, but atleast we now remember to do things like wash curtains, and check batteries in smoke alarms etc.....

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