22 June 2008

We know... you will soon

So, I guess I should post a short update here on what is happening :)

Nearly two weeks ago now, I had a check-up with my endocrynologist for my Gestational Diabetes. I had some blood tests which all came back ok except for some minor abnormalities in my liver enzyme levels. Fast forward to last monday (16th June) when Duane and I had another growth scan to make sure both babies are growing ok.
This scan went well. Both babies were estimated to be about 2400 grams (5 lb 3 oz)each. For 36 wks gestation with twins this is not bad at all. I had an appointment with my OB the day after which luckely Duane joined me at. More bloodwork to make sure my liver enzymes hadn't deteriorated.

Anyways, to make a long story short, we had a LONG chat with Murray and we basically had 3 options:
1. Wait until labour starts naturally and see if I can deliver vaginally
2. Induce me to bring on labor
3. Book a C-section

The main reason we discussed these options is because sleeping has become a problem. I need to take painkillers to be able to get a little bit of sleep, The pressures are really starting to take its toll on my body. Murray is happy for these babies to be born, their weights at 36 weeks was excelent, and a lot of twins are delivered at 37 weeks anyway. Because the induction has a 50-60% chance of turning into an emergency C-section, we elected to schedule a C-section instead. Less pressure, and we know what is happening. This was all organised on tuesday and we have known from that day what day the babies will be born. It will be next week (between 23 jun & 27 jun).

Part of me is happy that it will be over, and that we will finally be able to meet our babies. Another part of me isn't all that happy about it. It is filled with doubts, can we do it, are we doing the right thing, will they be ok, will we be ok..... it feels a little bit like being on the upward climb of a rollercoaster just before it comes to the crest and you really want to yell out, 'STOP THIS THING, I WANT TO GET OFF THIS RIDE, THIS IS A MISTAKE'......

Anyways, I'm sure it will all be fine. I will update with pictures and information once I'm home again. After the delivery I have to stay in hospital for 5 days (4 nights) because of the surgery. Check Duanes blog, he might have time to update beforehand.....

Take care all, and see you on the flip-side.

1 comment:

Alibongo said...

Hope it goes well - I'm sure you all will do great!