11 June 2008

Keeping busy.

So, the count-down is in full swing now. Today I've reached the 35 wk mark, which means that the lungs of the babies are fully developed and if I were to go into labor right now, they would let me deliver. It would be better for the babies to stay in for another week or two, but whether that is good for my sanity, I'm not entirely sure.

We're on-target for getting the house ready for these bubs. The hospital bag is packed (Finally, I kinda kept putting it off and off and off and off........)
So now I'm down to chores I can do from my chair I guess. Not much more in the way of "active" work to do. This is a good thing, When something falls on the floor I look at it and try to decide how much I really want it, and if it isn't detrimentally important I'll wait for Duane to come home to pick it up for me. Mobility is becoming a real issue.

So: Nursery is mostly done. Sewing is done, house is clean & tidy-ish. Birth notices have been designed and are ready to be sent to the printers once the last details are known (Length, weight, birthdate etc). Enveloppes have been written and hopefully Duane will bring home some more stamps so I can finish sticking those on. We have 'beschuit met muisjes' organised, I'd love to make a wooden stork, but haven't even broached the subject with Duane yet. I've got the design.... just not the wood to start on it.
We know where to go at the new hospital, we have the numbers etc to call in emergencies, Tomorrow we're getting capsules installed in our car (babyseats).
Next week I'll pick up feeding pillow & breast pump.

So, really for today, I have nothing much to do bar make a few phonecalls. BORING. I'm not really good at this 'waiting' thing..... I'll keep you posted on how i"m going with that

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