17 May 2008

I finally did it

Yesterday I put my leave-form in for my maternity leave. I've been putting it off, kinda not wanting to finish up yet I knew I had to at some point. I have one more week to work and then I stop. Its a week earlier than I've been saying I would stop, but it just made sense at the time. I am getting a tat uncomfortable.

Duane only has two weeks of long travel left, and then he is mostly home, which I'm rather pleased with to be honest. I'm 31 wks now, and really we need to make it to 35wks, so another 4 and then we are truly in the "home stretch". Still, every week is a win. My sugar levels are still well under control. I have a check-up with the doctor on Monday, then a growth scan on Wednesday.

What have we been doing to get ready? Lots. We set up a schedule for house-cleaning: It is already paying off as we don't take nearly as long doing the things that have to be done as we used to as it happens more regulary now.
The nursery is mostly done. on the 12th of June we get capsules installed in our car. We are renting those from the ambulance service. We're looking into what carseats to get after that. We've become a member of Westside-MBA, where we can rent breastpumps and feeding pillows. When my maternity leave starts I'll be cooking meals to freeze one day per week so I have a full freezer of ready-made healthy meals to see us through the first couple of weeks.

During the week we went to expectant parents night organised by Westside MBA, and one thing everyone keeps saying is: "ask for help". Logically I 'know' they are right, but emotionally that is going to be hard. I know everyone has busy lives already, and really the idea of imposing feels wrong in many ways.....

Next weekend, Mel and Tish are organising a babyshower. I'm wondering what that will be like. They were talking about 'games'...... it has me slightly concerned *grins* but we'll see what happens.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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