Duane posted in his blog (see link on the side) about me being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It was a little bit of a let-down, everything has gone rather well upto now, but really, We don't have much to complain about if this is the worst complication we have this pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes is quite common in twin pregnancies. Because there are two placentas producing hormones that interfere with the insulin in mums body (mine in this case) the pancreas has to work extra hard and mine simply cannot keep up. I've been testing my blood-sugars and to be honest, as long as I watch what I eat, my sugar levels are fine and I don't need to use insulin. This will go away after the babies are born.
So, hows life treating us so far? Life is mostly good. Duane has been so busy trying to get a lot of chores done, and trying in his own way to prepare for the changes ahead that he has kinda run past himself and forgot how to simply have fun. I worry about him sometimes...He'll be ok, he'll work it out :)
Anyways, the nursery is ready enough for the babies if we had to, I've started preparing to pack my hospital bag. Ideally we'd like to keep these two inside for another 6-8 wks. 5 at a minimum. From 35 wks, my obstetrician will not stop labour if it happens.
Sleeping is still a challenge at times. Normally this does not affect Duane at all luckely and I'm the only one awake at some rued hour. Yesterday was different. I woke up shortly after 4am, Duane woke at 4:30 am. I got up, which is what I normally do for a little while and then I go back to bed. Much to my surprise, Duane got out of bed too as he said he was totally awake.
I suggested that seeing we were both awake we might as well go to the coast and watch the sunrise. So we did. It was absolutely lovely. We drove down to the goldcoast and ended up on Main beach. Nice and quiet. A few people out there for their morning swim/surf/walk etc. Not too many. Afterwards we had breakfast at one of the little cafe's near the beach. We drove back home via Mt. Tambourine and the Goldcoast hinterlands. Then for lunch we met up with Duanes parents for mothersday and went home after that. A lovely day all-in-all.
I thought I'd share some pictures we took. One is from me. Hec, I finally look pregnant :)

Me :)

A bit of the sunrise, not very colourful, but still nice.

A lone shell on the beach
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