28 May 2008


This in it self is worthy of its own post :) Thanks to Mel and Tish I had a really wonderful saturday.

Lets re-wind a few months: It is early December 2007. Duane and I just had confirmation that we have two viable embroys growing in my uterus. I kinda had a bit of a "ships how are we going to do this" reaction and I talked to one of the guys at work whos wife had triplets earlier in the year. He put me on to the Multiple birth association website.

So checking these forums I was simply looking around with the attitude of "shit, what does one need to care for two babies at the same time..." and I came across this tread title "are you having a babyshower". I looked at it, and drew a total mental blank. The first thing that went through my mind was... "I thought you could take babies in a normal shower" then, "I wonder what that would look like" and "where would you get one and how expensive would it be"... It was a good 5 minutes before I realised they were talking about a party.

Now, you all know I'm dutch, and in holland babyshowers are simply very uncommon. its more an american concept which is only very rarely taken up. People tend to come and visit in the first couple of weeks and bring presents then.

So fast-forward to last Saturday. I had no real idea what to expect. Mel and Tish had already told me there were going to be games involved, and that I was going to be expelled from my own kitchen. Right.....

In short, they did an amazing job. there were prizes for people winning the games, they organised amazing food and it was a lot of fun. We(Duane and I) got a lot of extremely useful stuff from people and it was very much appreciated.

Afterwards we had a bbq so the males could safely re-join us. This was fun too, it was great to catch up with people before life becomes totally hectic.

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