So this was my first week on maternity leave. It was also the last week Duane went away for work until the babies are born. It is a bit of a culture shock to go from a job which revolves around interaction with others to sitting at home. I have been worried about how I was going to cope with this 'being at home' as often enough when Duane is away I seem to get nothing done and the house turns into chaos. Not this week tho, and I'm pretty proud of it.
I've been trying to plan every day. Not in detail, but just write down a small list of things I want to do in a day and then do them during the day. Every day I achieved atleast 2/3rd of the list I had written down so all in all it was a productive week.
On Wednesday I woke up with a sore throat. On Thursday this got worse, and now I have the worst cold I've had in quite some time. This is no fun at all. I've not been sick this pregnancy at all, and with the limited sleep, and breathing problems, bladder restrictions and stuff it is enough to make me extremely edgy.
None of the above was the biggest thing this week tho.
On Thursday morning Oma ten Wolde passed away (my grandmother). She has been sick for quite a while and treatment was not really helping her anymore. In a way it is good as she deserves the rest she has now, but it sucks majorly. I can't fly home for the funeral because I'm too far along in my pregnancy. She will be missed.
31 May 2008
28 May 2008
This in it self is worthy of its own post :) Thanks to Mel and Tish I had a really wonderful saturday.
Lets re-wind a few months: It is early December 2007. Duane and I just had confirmation that we have two viable embroys growing in my uterus. I kinda had a bit of a "ships how are we going to do this" reaction and I talked to one of the guys at work whos wife had triplets earlier in the year. He put me on to the Multiple birth association website.
So checking these forums I was simply looking around with the attitude of "shit, what does one need to care for two babies at the same time..." and I came across this tread title "are you having a babyshower". I looked at it, and drew a total mental blank. The first thing that went through my mind was... "I thought you could take babies in a normal shower" then, "I wonder what that would look like" and "where would you get one and how expensive would it be"... It was a good 5 minutes before I realised they were talking about a party.
Now, you all know I'm dutch, and in holland babyshowers are simply very uncommon. its more an american concept which is only very rarely taken up. People tend to come and visit in the first couple of weeks and bring presents then.
So fast-forward to last Saturday. I had no real idea what to expect. Mel and Tish had already told me there were going to be games involved, and that I was going to be expelled from my own kitchen. Right.....
In short, they did an amazing job. there were prizes for people winning the games, they organised amazing food and it was a lot of fun. We(Duane and I) got a lot of extremely useful stuff from people and it was very much appreciated.
Afterwards we had a bbq so the males could safely re-join us. This was fun too, it was great to catch up with people before life becomes totally hectic.
Lets re-wind a few months: It is early December 2007. Duane and I just had confirmation that we have two viable embroys growing in my uterus. I kinda had a bit of a "ships how are we going to do this" reaction and I talked to one of the guys at work whos wife had triplets earlier in the year. He put me on to the Multiple birth association website.
So checking these forums I was simply looking around with the attitude of "shit, what does one need to care for two babies at the same time..." and I came across this tread title "are you having a babyshower". I looked at it, and drew a total mental blank. The first thing that went through my mind was... "I thought you could take babies in a normal shower" then, "I wonder what that would look like" and "where would you get one and how expensive would it be"... It was a good 5 minutes before I realised they were talking about a party.
Now, you all know I'm dutch, and in holland babyshowers are simply very uncommon. its more an american concept which is only very rarely taken up. People tend to come and visit in the first couple of weeks and bring presents then.
So fast-forward to last Saturday. I had no real idea what to expect. Mel and Tish had already told me there were going to be games involved, and that I was going to be expelled from my own kitchen. Right.....
In short, they did an amazing job. there were prizes for people winning the games, they organised amazing food and it was a lot of fun. We(Duane and I) got a lot of extremely useful stuff from people and it was very much appreciated.
Afterwards we had a bbq so the males could safely re-join us. This was fun too, it was great to catch up with people before life becomes totally hectic.
22 May 2008
Maternity leave
Ok, so I gave in. I went on maternity leave a week early. Last friday was my last day at work. I was so tired so often, and besides that I felt totally useless with my replacement doing a great job. Mimi, one of my friends at work, organised a morning tea for my farewell, and that was fun. There was so much food left over that we had an afternoon tea as well.
So what do I think of maternity leave? I'm not too sure yet. It is easier on the body, thats forsure. But it is weird not to be working. Its kinda like you've been put in a holding pattern. I know I should rest and enjoy as I'm going to be busy enough soon enough. Just that this 'sitting still' isn't really my thing.
It is also giving me time to think about what I want to do next. Do I want to stay in the line of work I'm doing now? or do I want to try my hand at something different? I don't know yet and I guess I have a few months to figure it out.
Financially it is scary not to work. I'm sure we'll be ok, but its just very overwhelming at times.
I'll keep you posted...
So what do I think of maternity leave? I'm not too sure yet. It is easier on the body, thats forsure. But it is weird not to be working. Its kinda like you've been put in a holding pattern. I know I should rest and enjoy as I'm going to be busy enough soon enough. Just that this 'sitting still' isn't really my thing.
It is also giving me time to think about what I want to do next. Do I want to stay in the line of work I'm doing now? or do I want to try my hand at something different? I don't know yet and I guess I have a few months to figure it out.
Financially it is scary not to work. I'm sure we'll be ok, but its just very overwhelming at times.
I'll keep you posted...
17 May 2008
I finally did it
Yesterday I put my leave-form in for my maternity leave. I've been putting it off, kinda not wanting to finish up yet I knew I had to at some point. I have one more week to work and then I stop. Its a week earlier than I've been saying I would stop, but it just made sense at the time. I am getting a tat uncomfortable.
Duane only has two weeks of long travel left, and then he is mostly home, which I'm rather pleased with to be honest. I'm 31 wks now, and really we need to make it to 35wks, so another 4 and then we are truly in the "home stretch". Still, every week is a win. My sugar levels are still well under control. I have a check-up with the doctor on Monday, then a growth scan on Wednesday.
What have we been doing to get ready? Lots. We set up a schedule for house-cleaning: It is already paying off as we don't take nearly as long doing the things that have to be done as we used to as it happens more regulary now.
The nursery is mostly done. on the 12th of June we get capsules installed in our car. We are renting those from the ambulance service. We're looking into what carseats to get after that. We've become a member of Westside-MBA, where we can rent breastpumps and feeding pillows. When my maternity leave starts I'll be cooking meals to freeze one day per week so I have a full freezer of ready-made healthy meals to see us through the first couple of weeks.
During the week we went to expectant parents night organised by Westside MBA, and one thing everyone keeps saying is: "ask for help". Logically I 'know' they are right, but emotionally that is going to be hard. I know everyone has busy lives already, and really the idea of imposing feels wrong in many ways.....
Next weekend, Mel and Tish are organising a babyshower. I'm wondering what that will be like. They were talking about 'games'...... it has me slightly concerned *grins* but we'll see what happens.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Duane only has two weeks of long travel left, and then he is mostly home, which I'm rather pleased with to be honest. I'm 31 wks now, and really we need to make it to 35wks, so another 4 and then we are truly in the "home stretch". Still, every week is a win. My sugar levels are still well under control. I have a check-up with the doctor on Monday, then a growth scan on Wednesday.
What have we been doing to get ready? Lots. We set up a schedule for house-cleaning: It is already paying off as we don't take nearly as long doing the things that have to be done as we used to as it happens more regulary now.
The nursery is mostly done. on the 12th of June we get capsules installed in our car. We are renting those from the ambulance service. We're looking into what carseats to get after that. We've become a member of Westside-MBA, where we can rent breastpumps and feeding pillows. When my maternity leave starts I'll be cooking meals to freeze one day per week so I have a full freezer of ready-made healthy meals to see us through the first couple of weeks.
During the week we went to expectant parents night organised by Westside MBA, and one thing everyone keeps saying is: "ask for help". Logically I 'know' they are right, but emotionally that is going to be hard. I know everyone has busy lives already, and really the idea of imposing feels wrong in many ways.....
Next weekend, Mel and Tish are organising a babyshower. I'm wondering what that will be like. They were talking about 'games'...... it has me slightly concerned *grins* but we'll see what happens.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
12 May 2008
Being spontaneous
Well I guess I should post a 'little' update. We've reached the 30 wk mark in our pregnancy now and things are starting to get a tat uncomfortable. So far my weight is going down again. Ah well, as long as the babies are doing well I shouldn't complain right? I have another 3 weeks left to work, and to be honest, it'll be hard to do if those weeks are anything like last week.
Duane posted in his blog (see link on the side) about me being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It was a little bit of a let-down, everything has gone rather well upto now, but really, We don't have much to complain about if this is the worst complication we have this pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes is quite common in twin pregnancies. Because there are two placentas producing hormones that interfere with the insulin in mums body (mine in this case) the pancreas has to work extra hard and mine simply cannot keep up. I've been testing my blood-sugars and to be honest, as long as I watch what I eat, my sugar levels are fine and I don't need to use insulin. This will go away after the babies are born.
So, hows life treating us so far? Life is mostly good. Duane has been so busy trying to get a lot of chores done, and trying in his own way to prepare for the changes ahead that he has kinda run past himself and forgot how to simply have fun. I worry about him sometimes...He'll be ok, he'll work it out :)
Anyways, the nursery is ready enough for the babies if we had to, I've started preparing to pack my hospital bag. Ideally we'd like to keep these two inside for another 6-8 wks. 5 at a minimum. From 35 wks, my obstetrician will not stop labour if it happens.
Sleeping is still a challenge at times. Normally this does not affect Duane at all luckely and I'm the only one awake at some rued hour. Yesterday was different. I woke up shortly after 4am, Duane woke at 4:30 am. I got up, which is what I normally do for a little while and then I go back to bed. Much to my surprise, Duane got out of bed too as he said he was totally awake.
I suggested that seeing we were both awake we might as well go to the coast and watch the sunrise. So we did. It was absolutely lovely. We drove down to the goldcoast and ended up on Main beach. Nice and quiet. A few people out there for their morning swim/surf/walk etc. Not too many. Afterwards we had breakfast at one of the little cafe's near the beach. We drove back home via Mt. Tambourine and the Goldcoast hinterlands. Then for lunch we met up with Duanes parents for mothersday and went home after that. A lovely day all-in-all.
I thought I'd share some pictures we took. One is from me. Hec, I finally look pregnant :)

Me :)

A bit of the sunrise, not very colourful, but still nice.

A lone shell on the beach
Duane posted in his blog (see link on the side) about me being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It was a little bit of a let-down, everything has gone rather well upto now, but really, We don't have much to complain about if this is the worst complication we have this pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes is quite common in twin pregnancies. Because there are two placentas producing hormones that interfere with the insulin in mums body (mine in this case) the pancreas has to work extra hard and mine simply cannot keep up. I've been testing my blood-sugars and to be honest, as long as I watch what I eat, my sugar levels are fine and I don't need to use insulin. This will go away after the babies are born.
So, hows life treating us so far? Life is mostly good. Duane has been so busy trying to get a lot of chores done, and trying in his own way to prepare for the changes ahead that he has kinda run past himself and forgot how to simply have fun. I worry about him sometimes...He'll be ok, he'll work it out :)
Anyways, the nursery is ready enough for the babies if we had to, I've started preparing to pack my hospital bag. Ideally we'd like to keep these two inside for another 6-8 wks. 5 at a minimum. From 35 wks, my obstetrician will not stop labour if it happens.
Sleeping is still a challenge at times. Normally this does not affect Duane at all luckely and I'm the only one awake at some rued hour. Yesterday was different. I woke up shortly after 4am, Duane woke at 4:30 am. I got up, which is what I normally do for a little while and then I go back to bed. Much to my surprise, Duane got out of bed too as he said he was totally awake.
I suggested that seeing we were both awake we might as well go to the coast and watch the sunrise. So we did. It was absolutely lovely. We drove down to the goldcoast and ended up on Main beach. Nice and quiet. A few people out there for their morning swim/surf/walk etc. Not too many. Afterwards we had breakfast at one of the little cafe's near the beach. We drove back home via Mt. Tambourine and the Goldcoast hinterlands. Then for lunch we met up with Duanes parents for mothersday and went home after that. A lovely day all-in-all.
I thought I'd share some pictures we took. One is from me. Hec, I finally look pregnant :)

Me :)

A bit of the sunrise, not very colourful, but still nice.

A lone shell on the beach
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