Pregnancy, it is weird. I guess that is the best description I can come up with for now. I know there are all these stories on how wonderful it is and great you feel etc. I think those stories were developed purely to not scare other women off.
I find it weird. I'm still me, yet in the minds of so many I seem to be reduced to some kind of incubator. I'm not going to name names inhere, (and those who've heard me bitch know what I'm talking about) but there are elements in our lives that seem to think they can start making decisions about all manner of things pertaining to these babies. I.Think.Not. I'm still me, I'm still the same 'ol Agnes who does have an oppinion on things and who is quite capable of taking care of things herself and has been for quite some time.
I've been warned by fellow pregnoids that the larger my tummy gets (and its not very large at all at the moment, actually I'm barely showing at all) I will get strangers come up to me and touch it. I've decided that anyone whom I don't want touching me, who uninvitedly goes for my tummy can expect to have their boobs groped. I'll report back on the reactions I get when that happens.
Ok, I'll answer a few of the more common questions I've been getting:
Do you know what you are having?Yep- last check two babies. Confirmed by several ultrasounds.
What would you like to have?Again, two babies. I'd be terribly dissapointed if they turned out to be puppies. Besides that, I'd love to have a winning lottery ticket in my pocket and all the stuff others want. What I find odd is that people seem to think having a boy and a girl is somehow better than two boys or two girls. I truly don't care, as long as they are healthy and even if they are not, we will still love them.
How are the twins?Both sets are fine thanks :) (No I'm not having quads, but for years people have referred to my chest as "the twins" aswell because I"m reasonably well endowed)
Oh you're not showing much. Are you sure everything is ok?[sarcasm]Hmm, I think you should go and work in pre-natal care. You seem to be able to make all sorts of diagnosis based on visual observation, without any medical training. It would be soo much cheaper.[/sarcasm]
My usual answer is "my doc is happy" so I'm not complaining.
Are you sure there is two inthere?Yes there is, I have the ultrasounds to prove it. So I'm not showing much yet. I'm not even half-way through my pregnancy... give it time.
End of question time for now. But really, you know, Pregnancy after Infertility is nerve wrecking enough as it is. I have no use for any of the negative comments/helpful suggestions.
Oh, and before I forget:
We were going to share gender information if we find out. Attitudes of several people around us have lead me to reconsider this. We might find out tomorrow...... but that'll be it. The rest can wait until they are born.
A few things before I go and have breakfast:
- I'm not the only one who is expecting... so is Duane
- No Pink For Girls Aspecially no soft pinks *shudders*
- We Don't Do Stereotypes. So if 'anyone' feels the need to buy baby boys a footy... don't hold back if we are having one or more girls
I'm sure there will be more.
As I said, pregnancy after infertility is nervewrecking in many many ways. Tomorrow we have our 19 week scan when we find out if the bubs are developing ok. You know, its scary stuff. I'm not showing much, not feeling much movement at all. I've been worried for weeks if everything is going ok. The comments of (some) people are Not Helping. There is only so much self-reassurance one can do before it starts to get weird.
I'll keep y'all posted