13 May 2010

Lucas is nearly 4 months now - Update long overdue

Birth story

So, because of my gestational diabetes and a few other factors (my hips were giving out on me in a Big Way) Lucas' birth was induced. The induction was started at 6:30 am, and by 3 pm I was about 2 cm dialated and Lucas' heartbeat was starting to slow every contraction. The midwife was certain it would take us to well after midnight and the discussion started to revolve around whether Lucas would become more distressed in that time. We then made the call that it would be better to get a not-so-emergency-emergency-c-section rather than pushing through and have a high probability of ending up with an "baby-has-to-be-born-in-2-minutes"-emergency c-section. By this time it was about 5pm.

We were supposed to be the next ones to go to theatre, and were expected to be in by 6pm. At about 7:15 I was taken to theatre, and at about 8pm Lucas was born. He was doing great from the first minute :) The first thing Duane said to me: "He has hair hun!, He has a full head of hair". As they were checking him out, Duane wouldn't leave my side. I told him to go to his son. Then the midwife brought Lucas out to me and I got to hold him. The idea was that I was to keep him in my arms until I was wheeled to recovery where I could start feeding him.

Ofcourse - as everyone who knows me knows - nothing is that simple: About 2 or 3 minutes after they gave me Lucas I said "That hurts!". (this was not a little hurt either). Oh no, people said, it is just some pulling you are feeling, which feels a bit weird, it is not actual pain. I'm like "this sure as hec is pain! and its worse than the contractions - oh and I can move my legs". Which I then proved by lifting one leg up off the operating table. The anestesist said "You can too, shit, you shouldn't do that". My response "Ok" and I put my leg back down. I asked the midwife to take Lucas as I was affraid I'd drop him when the pain got real bad. She took him and Duane to the recovery room, They put something else in my drip and I got a mask with oxygen. Then getting through the rest of my c-section is a bit of a blur. I remember the pain, vaguely. I know I was really out of it and boy it hurted.
What ended up happening - My spinal had stopped working halfway through the procedure. Not Pleasant at all.

Once I was closed up they wheeled me to the recovery room high on as many pain meds as the anestesist was happy to give me. They I got Lucas back, Duane was there ofcourse holding his son with the silliest grin on his face. I vaguely remember him being on the phone at the time. Tried to put Lucas on the breast - big hit for my little fella, He had a good 20 minute suckle.

Due to the meds I was given I was under close observation for the next 6 hours. Sent Duane home to get some sleep and I got to spend a magical first night with Lucas. It is amazing how great that is. I loved every minute of it. So different from the birth of the girls where I could see them for about a minute and then had to go straight to the ward and be on my own for the better part of 24 hours...

We were sent home on Friday. I was back in hospital on Saturday with a wound infection... When Lucas was 5 weeks he was admitted with bronchialitis and we're still battling upper respiratory problems for him but otherwise he is doing GREAT.

I'll update more in a later post :)