26 August 2008

My birthday

Well, It happened again: I've managed to stay on this planet whilst it did a full circuit around the sun. That is 36 in total so far. The good news is: I don't feel any different at all.

A few weeks ago Duane asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday. I just laughed and said: I'd love to have some people around, but it'll have to be inbetween feeds, as that won't stop, not even for my birthday. So he invited most of our friends to come to our place on Saturday and spend the afternoon between 2:30 and 7:30.

I got the best birthday present a few days before the event when I asked Duane how many people had said they were coming on Saturday. In total we had 30 people RSVP. *yikes* I didn't even realise we knew that many people.....

Anyways, I had a wonderful afternoon and got exactly what I wanted for my birthday :) A wonderful memory of my first birthday as a mama. So everyone who was there to make it such a wonderful day: Thank You. You made me feel really special and loved and I wish I could repay you for that as it is a wonderful feeling.

There is only one slight pet peeve.......
What is it with people nowadays... some people RSVP that they are coming, and then proceed not to show up without any notice whatsoever. Is it just me, or do others find this bad manners too? There are a few repeat offenders and at the last function we had a lot higher numbers at the RSVP and I had lots of food prepared... that party only half the people who said they'd come showed and I had to throw so much out.....

Anyways, enough negativity... more importantly: it was Emma and Caitlins 2 month birthday too :)

Have a good week everyone, I'll try to update again next week.

18 August 2008

I can't beleive I did that

Ok, this was yesterday and I still feel slightly guilty...

Caitlin was fussy and crying for a while and I went to check her nappy. I noticed that her toe-nail needed clipping, as it had folded up, and was standing at a 90 degree angle straight up and would have given her grief. (odd, I had only clipped them a few days before). So I used the baby clippers to clip this bit of nail off.

I don't know how I did it, but I also clipped a tiny bit of skin along with the nail. However, baby toes are not that big and a tiny bit of skin can bleed profusely. I needed to put two bandaids on it, and it took a LOT of cuddles from both me and Duane to calm her down again.

So there you have it, I was officially the worlds baddest mummy in the eyes of my daughter. Atleast for a while... I guess until the next feed.

14 August 2008

Motherhood perspective from a working woman

So, here I am again. Not sure if I'll get to finish this post or not. I guess I'll just have to type really quickly.

When I first went on maternity leave I felt lost. I went from a job with contact with people continually to sitting at home with only the cats to talk to. Doing housework is rather unsatisfying and frankly quite painful (physically) when highly preggers with twins so that wasn't really all 'that' great either.

Now, the girls are nearly 8 weeks old and earlier in the week I had a spat at Duane. Not that it is his 'fault'... he was just in the firing line. My main complain: I don't know what to do with my days. There are no days off in motherhood. There is no difference between weekdays and weekends except that Duane is at home and this makes a few things significantly easier. (Two babies crying and two adults to soothe them for starters).
The days are not exceptionally difficult to get through, it is just really boring. They are all more-or-less the same. The most frustrating thing is that I try to do everything so the girls are happy and feel safe. It is a rather thankless job at the moment. Not a lot of smiles, and it is not like I could come up with a special fun activity for them which they'll enjoy as they are WAY too young for that. I guess thats my main problem at the moment. I'm trying to do the best job that I can and I'm not getting much feedback from those whom I'm doing the job for if it meets their needs or not.

That sounds so petty in a lot of ways, Babies don't communicate except by crying. Ah well. They are putting on weight, I guess thats something.

I'll report back later this week...

Take care all, and be well.

09 August 2008

nearly 7 weeks... it seems like forever

Wow, it has been nearly seven weeks since I gave birth to our girls. So much has happened in the meantime:

Emma has had a cold

Emma at one point wouldn't wake up or respond to stimuli. Went to the GP who immediately send us to the emergency department of the Ipswich hospital. He wanted her seen to within the next 15 minutes. We got there.. and 2.5 hours later we were still waiting. We got so shitted off with it all that we packed up the girls and went to the Wesley emergency and she was seen to straight away. Luckely she had woke up a while before and was fine. They don't know what caused it.

Emma got her brace taken off on Monday. She is now trying to catch up on 5 weeks of wriggling. I think moving hurts her a bit because she is very fussy and that is very unlike her.

Caitlin developed a fever during the week. She now has a snotty nose and a cough.

I got really sick about two days later. We ended up getting a nanny in for two days to help out. I'm still not 100% but atleast I'm not having high fevers any longer.

Normal day-to-day stuff:
We're working hard at establishing a routine and mostly this is going well. An average day looks something like this:

5:30-6:00 am – Babies wake up, play/cuddle time until it is 6:00 am. I try not to feed before that because that throws everything else out.
6:00 am – feeding time
6:30 am – 8:40 am Playtime & tummy time in the playpen. They often have a 30 minute nap in this period.
8:40 am – feeding time
9:10 am – 11:20: - dress babies in their day-clothes. Then playtime
11:20 am – feeding time
11:50 am – 2:00 pm: naptime for babies. I sleep too during this period
2:00 pm – feeding time
2:30 pm – 4:40 pm : playtime/walks/shopping etc
4:40 pm – feeding time
4:40 pm – 5:30 pm playtime in playpen, they sometimes snooze for a bit.
5:30 pm - we eat dinner.
6:45 pm – 7:15 pm Bath time and change into bedclothes
7:20 pm – feeding time
7:50-ish - bed-time for babies.
8:00 pm - bedtime for mum & dad

We let them sleep until they wake for their next feed, usually about 10pm-ish but can be as late as 11:00 pm.

10:00 pm - Feeding time

We let them sleep until they wake for their next feed, usually about 2 am-ish but can be as late as 3 am.

2:00 am – Night feed .

The girls are growing well. What is classed as 'good' weight gain is 20gr a day. This comes to 140-160 gr/wk. The last 4 weeks the girls have each gained well over 200 gr with one week Caitlin putting on a staggering 500gr.

Caitlin now weighs 3.8 kg and Emma just under 3.5kg.

Well they are awake again so I better get the day started. Maybe i'll have time to post more tomorrow....