Finally a long weekend with no social obligations. What are Duane and I going to do with ourselves?? Most likely next to nothing. I just realised it has been a while since I have updated you all on whats been going on.
On Wednesday we reached the 28 wk mark in our pregnancy. This is considered a Big Deal. At 28 wks we have a 95% survival rate for premature babies. This means that even if they came now (which they won't -touch wood) they have excelent chances of becoming a part of our family. Thursday morning we had our 28 wk scan. When expecting twins, doctors are not able to monitor fetal growth by simply measuring the belly as that wouldn't show if one of the babies wasn't quite growing as well as the other. So Twin-mummies-to-be get extra scans because that way they can see if the babies are growing as they should.
Our babies are doing just fine. Baby 1 weighs 1132 grams and baby 2 weighs 1000 grams. This is calculated based of the size of the head, tummy and a few other measurements. They are estimated to be between 35 and 40 cm tall now. That is hard to measure more accurately because they lie all curled up in the uterus. These sizes at 28 weeks are spot on target even if it was a singleton pregnancy (one baby). If they continue to do this well, and they go full-term (38 wks) each has a predicted birth weight of about 2.5 - 3 kgs (5-6lbs) Both babies are head down, but can still change position as they still have some room. In principle, if they don't there is nothing preventing us from giving birth vaginally.
Duane and I are really happy. It is always such a relief to see them doing well and moving about. They were really uncooperative so no cute 3d scan images this time. Depending on how things go, we might have another scan in about 4 weeks which will be our last one before the birth.
Take care,
25 April 2008
15 April 2008
Challenges for prospective parents
Ok, So I'm 27 wks pregnant this week. Its a little early to have the nursery ready and beleive me, we are nowhere near ready for these two.
However, tonight we did something we could have postponed, but wanted to do for a while. We put together one of the two cots we purchased for the babies. Did I mention I love IKEA? They have some really funky furniture and they have some kewl baby and kids gear.
I just tried to link to an image on the IKEA site, and failed miserably, so you'll have to click on the link below. We purchased two Hensvik cots. is the URL for the site.
Anyways, all Ikea stuff comes with loads of nuts, bolts, screws, thingemabobs and an instruction manual with next to no words... pictures only. They must be bloody brilliant writing the things because Duane and I are getting reasonably good at assembling ikea furniture :)
It took a little while, but now the cot has been put together and its sitting in the nursery. The matress inserted and ofcourse we needed to make the bed. Mind you, both of us are reasonably good at making beds. Our own bed, a queensize double with a kingsize doona on it takes us about 10-15 minutes to make after removing the sheets and doonacover.
You'd think that making a bed for a baby, seeing how much smaller it is, would take significantly less time... Nothing is further from the truth.
Putting a fitted sheet on a matress in a cot is a challenge when your belly is in the way. It is overcomable ofcourse, but a small challenge non-the-less.
Then ofcourse as these two babies will be sleeping in the same cot, we're making it sidewas... which is a lot harder than it sounds. There is this blanket thingy, which is a great size, but doesn't quite work the way I thought it would, same with the flat sheet. Its actually quite fiddly.
So 20 minutes after starting to make the blasted thing, it looks reasonably ok. I will have to practise this, as I 'know' we're going to be stuck making the bed in the middle of the night. Besides that, It doesn't look quite right 'yet'...........
There are sooo many skills we have yet to aquire, its a good thing our ante-natal classes are starting on Friday.
However, tonight we did something we could have postponed, but wanted to do for a while. We put together one of the two cots we purchased for the babies. Did I mention I love IKEA? They have some really funky furniture and they have some kewl baby and kids gear.
I just tried to link to an image on the IKEA site, and failed miserably, so you'll have to click on the link below. We purchased two Hensvik cots. is the URL for the site.
Anyways, all Ikea stuff comes with loads of nuts, bolts, screws, thingemabobs and an instruction manual with next to no words... pictures only. They must be bloody brilliant writing the things because Duane and I are getting reasonably good at assembling ikea furniture :)
It took a little while, but now the cot has been put together and its sitting in the nursery. The matress inserted and ofcourse we needed to make the bed. Mind you, both of us are reasonably good at making beds. Our own bed, a queensize double with a kingsize doona on it takes us about 10-15 minutes to make after removing the sheets and doonacover.
You'd think that making a bed for a baby, seeing how much smaller it is, would take significantly less time... Nothing is further from the truth.
Putting a fitted sheet on a matress in a cot is a challenge when your belly is in the way. It is overcomable ofcourse, but a small challenge non-the-less.
Then ofcourse as these two babies will be sleeping in the same cot, we're making it sidewas... which is a lot harder than it sounds. There is this blanket thingy, which is a great size, but doesn't quite work the way I thought it would, same with the flat sheet. Its actually quite fiddly.
So 20 minutes after starting to make the blasted thing, it looks reasonably ok. I will have to practise this, as I 'know' we're going to be stuck making the bed in the middle of the night. Besides that, It doesn't look quite right 'yet'...........
There are sooo many skills we have yet to aquire, its a good thing our ante-natal classes are starting on Friday.
11 April 2008
Memory faults and other issues
If you asked me what do you dislike most about being pregnant I'd have to say "the loss of memory"... Eventhough, if I am absolutely 100% honest, my lac of remembering things started WAY before falling pregnant. Still it has increased and this is a known 'pregnancy problem' so that'll be my answer.
So how do I fight it? Lists... lots and lots of lists. Sometimes I forget to write one of the lists, but I figure, it can't be that important anyway. So what are the latest lists I've written? Our cleaning schedule, our hardware-to-purchase-before-the-babies-come list and a shopping list.
The cleaning schedule thing has caused a lot of entertainment at the lunchtable at work. People seem to think I'm a tat anal about this. So I am.. It helps me to work out what I need to do, aspecially with those things that you don't do every week and/or month (like cleaning out the pantry, linnen cupboard, mending clothes etc).
If you are interested, drop me a line and I'll send you an example ;)
The 100% truthful answer to the question "What do you like least about being pregnant" are the limitations. Both the realistic ones and the ones imposed by others (and not adhered to). The realistic ones make me feel like I have to appologise because I'm being a slacker for not being able to do something I'm normally quite capable of. The limitations imposed by others simply piss me off. I have to defend what I do, and I can't be myself often as I am so totally fed up with this type of conversations: "You can't do XYZ"... (me) "Why not?"...(them)"You're Pregnant"...(me) "what does that have to do with anything?" I really would like to know where this idea comes fromt that pregnant women loose the ability to be responsible and to think for themselves. It is freekin' annoying. Oh and while we are on that subject, I'd really appreciate it if people would stop and think before saying anything. I don't know where the idea comes from, but really our babies long-term well-being is one of our most important concerns. HOWEVER, this does NOT involve wrapping them in cotton wool, it involves protecting them when they need protecting, teaching them the skills they need to be responsible adults. This includes dealing with disappointments and failure, and letting them make their own mistakes however hard that may be. So, on that note: Yes we have two cats, Yes they are 100% indoor cats, No we will not 'ban' them from the house, and it is really none of anyones business how we will manage this situation. just rest assured that we will do what we need to guarantee our babies safety, but we will do it OUR way.
OK enough negativety:
I just realised I haven't updated you on my last docs appointment: All is going well, and I'm now allowed to have a vaginal birth *YEY*. I much prefer this option as the recovery times are usually a lot less. Things might change yet, but we'll take it as it comes. The nursery now has novulon, the walls are painted and the built-in cupboard has inserts. We'll see if we put up the cots and change-table today or next weekend, it doesn't matter all that much yet.
Ok, fog outside is clearing and the sun is coming out... Have a blast everyone... until next time!
So how do I fight it? Lists... lots and lots of lists. Sometimes I forget to write one of the lists, but I figure, it can't be that important anyway. So what are the latest lists I've written? Our cleaning schedule, our hardware-to-purchase-before-the-babies-come list and a shopping list.
The cleaning schedule thing has caused a lot of entertainment at the lunchtable at work. People seem to think I'm a tat anal about this. So I am.. It helps me to work out what I need to do, aspecially with those things that you don't do every week and/or month (like cleaning out the pantry, linnen cupboard, mending clothes etc).
If you are interested, drop me a line and I'll send you an example ;)
The 100% truthful answer to the question "What do you like least about being pregnant" are the limitations. Both the realistic ones and the ones imposed by others (and not adhered to). The realistic ones make me feel like I have to appologise because I'm being a slacker for not being able to do something I'm normally quite capable of. The limitations imposed by others simply piss me off. I have to defend what I do, and I can't be myself often as I am so totally fed up with this type of conversations: "You can't do XYZ"... (me) "Why not?"...(them)"You're Pregnant"...(me) "what does that have to do with anything?" I really would like to know where this idea comes fromt that pregnant women loose the ability to be responsible and to think for themselves. It is freekin' annoying. Oh and while we are on that subject, I'd really appreciate it if people would stop and think before saying anything. I don't know where the idea comes from, but really our babies long-term well-being is one of our most important concerns. HOWEVER, this does NOT involve wrapping them in cotton wool, it involves protecting them when they need protecting, teaching them the skills they need to be responsible adults. This includes dealing with disappointments and failure, and letting them make their own mistakes however hard that may be. So, on that note: Yes we have two cats, Yes they are 100% indoor cats, No we will not 'ban' them from the house, and it is really none of anyones business how we will manage this situation. just rest assured that we will do what we need to guarantee our babies safety, but we will do it OUR way.
OK enough negativety:
I just realised I haven't updated you on my last docs appointment: All is going well, and I'm now allowed to have a vaginal birth *YEY*. I much prefer this option as the recovery times are usually a lot less. Things might change yet, but we'll take it as it comes. The nursery now has novulon, the walls are painted and the built-in cupboard has inserts. We'll see if we put up the cots and change-table today or next weekend, it doesn't matter all that much yet.
Ok, fog outside is clearing and the sun is coming out... Have a blast everyone... until next time!
01 April 2008
Sydney trip
Last weekend Duane and I spend a long weekend away in Sydney. This was in part a private birthday celebration and in part time to spend together before the babies are born. Duane had organised the whole thing. We had a one bedroom apartement near museum station. We arrived thursday afternoon and took the rest of the day to plan our bits and pieces for Friday. We went out to dinner to an italian place nearby.
On Friday we went to Taronga Zoo, and afterwards to a gamestore in Yorkstreet and a bookstore a few blocks up from it. It was an exhausting day. I could write this longwinded story on how Duane made me walk from 8 am until about 5 pm... and how I got totally exhausted but that wouldn't be fair. I inmensely enjoyed the day, even if I was really tired afterwards. I finally took photos I don't mind sharing with the world (the first ones in two years... how sad is that). If you click on the "my-flickr-page" link on the right you can see them.
On Saturday we spend time in Galaxy again (bookstore) and after that we spend quite a bit of time in the Queen Victoria Building. This is a restored building which dates back to 1898. It is amazingly beautiful on the inside. I love that particular style of architecture. The bestest bit of the day was when I found a lingery store which caters for pregnant woman with larger sizes. Its rather depressing to buy maternity bras on a good day. I'm up to a GG cup now and usually I can choose between 1 bras if I'm lucky. Ofcourse these are the type of bras that you could either A: use as shelter when camping or B: are the style you'd expect your great-great-great grandmother to wear.
Now I've got two bras that actually make me feel like an attractive woman again. I think people underestimate the value of nice lingery for a womans self-esteem.
We also spend time reading and time just being together talking. We've been married nearly 8.5 years now and it is sad but nowadays thats a long marriage. These times we spend together away from everything are so valuable to just get in touch with why we are together, and to re-affirm how much we love eachother. Life will change so much this year and neither of us can really gauge the impact it will have on our relationship, however, we are both really committed to it and i'm sure we'll come through it with flying colours :)
Sunday back home, and weirdly enough, its good to be home. Life is good.
On Friday we went to Taronga Zoo, and afterwards to a gamestore in Yorkstreet and a bookstore a few blocks up from it. It was an exhausting day. I could write this longwinded story on how Duane made me walk from 8 am until about 5 pm... and how I got totally exhausted but that wouldn't be fair. I inmensely enjoyed the day, even if I was really tired afterwards. I finally took photos I don't mind sharing with the world (the first ones in two years... how sad is that). If you click on the "my-flickr-page" link on the right you can see them.
On Saturday we spend time in Galaxy again (bookstore) and after that we spend quite a bit of time in the Queen Victoria Building. This is a restored building which dates back to 1898. It is amazingly beautiful on the inside. I love that particular style of architecture. The bestest bit of the day was when I found a lingery store which caters for pregnant woman with larger sizes. Its rather depressing to buy maternity bras on a good day. I'm up to a GG cup now and usually I can choose between 1 bras if I'm lucky. Ofcourse these are the type of bras that you could either A: use as shelter when camping or B: are the style you'd expect your great-great-great grandmother to wear.
Now I've got two bras that actually make me feel like an attractive woman again. I think people underestimate the value of nice lingery for a womans self-esteem.
We also spend time reading and time just being together talking. We've been married nearly 8.5 years now and it is sad but nowadays thats a long marriage. These times we spend together away from everything are so valuable to just get in touch with why we are together, and to re-affirm how much we love eachother. Life will change so much this year and neither of us can really gauge the impact it will have on our relationship, however, we are both really committed to it and i'm sure we'll come through it with flying colours :)
Sunday back home, and weirdly enough, its good to be home. Life is good.
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